Yang Tu

yang tu engineering

Yang Tu is a final year DPhil student working on electrochemical-mechanical coupled modelling applied to lithium-ion batteries. Her research aims to predict battery degradation and enhance microstructure for next generation batteries.
Prior to the PhD studies, she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Wuhan University and Master’s degree (diplôme d’ingénieur) in Mechanical Engineering from CentraleSupélec. With professional experience in mainstream commercial CAD/CAE software companies in both China and France, she plans to work in industry after her academic endeavours.

Research Interests
Yang’s DPhil project investigates the degradation of batteries due to mechanical failures within electrodes, utilising electrochemical-mechanical coupled modeling. Yang’s research interests include:
•    Lithium-ion batteries, high performance cathode materials
•    Surface coating, core-shell structured particle
•    Multiphysics modelling with finite element method
•    Computational mechanics, fracture mechanics, phase field method

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